
Strings Section: Violin, Viola and Cello.

At Kiltra School of Music we teach the orchestral string instruments of Violin, Viola and Cello.
Violin is our most popular string instrument. For beginner students there are lots of great teaching books available and we will know which one will work best for you. All students are taught with a strong foundation and solid technique. And, as you learn to play, you will be learning to read music as well. If you have some experience with playing violin, our teachers will be able to guide you on a course of study that will bring about a more efficient technique and more beautiful sound! For advanced players, our teachers have the expertise and experience to develop any aspect of technique or explore any area of repertoire that will help you fulfil your full potential.
The Viola is slightly larger in comparison to the violin. It is an essential member of the orchestra and anyone who takes up the viola will be in much demand as an orchestral player or chamber musician! Because there are far less viola players than violinists, if you take up this instrument the prospects of getting paid gigs almost becomes a guarantee. Sign up now if you love music and would like a fast track to playing with others!!
The Cello forms the basis of every string ensemble. It is a versatile instrument that can play with a lyrical beauty and a sweet, rich tone and provide a strong bass foundation in any style of music. Most orchestral music is very accessible, even for cellists with only a few years experience, so get playing right away and you will be part of an ensemble very soon!